Wednesday 16 November 2011

Final Dialogue

Andy (Dad) : How's it going son?

Jimmy: Not too bad Dad, just practising.

Andy (Dad) : You're getting pretty good son, go ahead, shoot til you miss.

Jimmy: D'ya think I could make it pro Dad?

Andy (Dad) : You work hard and you can do anything you want Jimmy.

Andy (Dad) : Come on son, lets go home for tea.

Jimmy: One more shot Dad?

Andy (Dad) : One more...

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Comparing "Pitch of Dreams" to "Space Jam"

Our main character was Little Jimmy who was played by none other than James Chivers who was participating in his favourite sport of football, and this is meant to be his young self, just like the beginning of Space Jam apart from the time of day, the place it is set in and the sport that is being played (Basketball).   Also the ethnic groups are different but the message of working hard to achieve the goals are the same. After watching this film children may also have the urge to go outside and play football, just the same as if they watched Space Jam they may want to go and play Basketball or even Baseball which is also shown in the movie which promotes a health and active lifestyle.


Screen Shots

What can our target audience learn?

Our target audience can learn about the importance of following your dreams and having the determination of never giving up no matter what, which is a positive moral framework for our audience. They can also learn that sport is a part of a healthy lifestyle. Family support is also portrayed during this film through the relationship of the father and son.

Friday 4 November 2011

Finished Children's Film - Pitch Of Dreams

Pitch of Dreams
We are happy with

  • All the shot types we used during the filming process were varied and worked well for example the use of the close up shot before the final shot is taken.
  • The editing at the start of the video when the image of space fades into the sun is effective.
  • The music we created in garageband is good because of the fast tone and this will interest our audience
  • The imported sounds also work well for example the sound of a crowd chanting works well with the visuals.
We are not happy with
  • The environment we had to work in because a lot of ambient sounds are in the video when we don't want them.
  • The dialogue could have been clearer for our audience as it was not always easy to hear.
  • The title used at the end of our clip could have been better if we had more time to use photoshop.
  • We could have used more elaborate credits if we had the time to use photoshop.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Children's film update

Finished sound for the video and imported it from garageband to the final project.
Edited the sound to fit appropriately to the video including change of volume and fading before dialogue.
Decided on a title name - Pitch of Dreams

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Childrens film credits

We worked on the credits for the opening of the children's film.
This included the title and each of our roles in the production.
We altered the colour and font.

Children's Film

Children's Film Definition - a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family film, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences. The film may or may not be about children.

Examples of children's films:

  • Oliver and Company
  • Shrek
  • Hunch back of Notre Dame

The most common themes used are friends, family, love, encouragement and adventure.

Codes and Conventions of a children's film:
  • A positive moral framework is always used
  • Alot of bright colours and text are used
  • Animation if used is exciting and fast paced
  • Music if used is also upbeat for entertainment
  • Main characters are introduced early
  • Setting established early

Children's Film

Children's Film Definition - a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family film, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences. The film may or may not be about children.

Examples of children's films:
  • A Bugs  Life
  • Lion King
  • Jungle Book
The most common themes used are friends, family, love, encouragement and adventure.

Codes and Conventions of a children's film:
  • A positive moral framework is always used
  • Alot of bright colours and text are used
  • Animation if used is exciting and fast paced
  • Music if used is also upbeat for entertainment
  • Main characters are introduced early
  • Setting established early

Children's Film

Children's Film Definition - a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family film, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences. The film may or may not be about children.

Examples of children's films:
  • The Incredibles
  • E.T
  • Despicable Me
The most common themes used are friends, family, love, encouragement and adventure.

Codes and Conventions of a children's film:
  • A positive moral framework is always used
  • Alot of bright colours and text are used
  • Animation if used is exciting and fast paced
  • Music if used is also upbeat for entertainment
  • Main characters are introduced early
  • Setting established early
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