Wednesday 16 November 2011

Final Dialogue

Andy (Dad) : How's it going son?

Jimmy: Not too bad Dad, just practising.

Andy (Dad) : You're getting pretty good son, go ahead, shoot til you miss.

Jimmy: D'ya think I could make it pro Dad?

Andy (Dad) : You work hard and you can do anything you want Jimmy.

Andy (Dad) : Come on son, lets go home for tea.

Jimmy: One more shot Dad?

Andy (Dad) : One more...

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Comparing "Pitch of Dreams" to "Space Jam"

Our main character was Little Jimmy who was played by none other than James Chivers who was participating in his favourite sport of football, and this is meant to be his young self, just like the beginning of Space Jam apart from the time of day, the place it is set in and the sport that is being played (Basketball).   Also the ethnic groups are different but the message of working hard to achieve the goals are the same. After watching this film children may also have the urge to go outside and play football, just the same as if they watched Space Jam they may want to go and play Basketball or even Baseball which is also shown in the movie which promotes a health and active lifestyle.


Screen Shots

What can our target audience learn?

Our target audience can learn about the importance of following your dreams and having the determination of never giving up no matter what, which is a positive moral framework for our audience. They can also learn that sport is a part of a healthy lifestyle. Family support is also portrayed during this film through the relationship of the father and son.

Friday 4 November 2011

Finished Children's Film - Pitch Of Dreams

Pitch of Dreams
We are happy with

  • All the shot types we used during the filming process were varied and worked well for example the use of the close up shot before the final shot is taken.
  • The editing at the start of the video when the image of space fades into the sun is effective.
  • The music we created in garageband is good because of the fast tone and this will interest our audience
  • The imported sounds also work well for example the sound of a crowd chanting works well with the visuals.
We are not happy with
  • The environment we had to work in because a lot of ambient sounds are in the video when we don't want them.
  • The dialogue could have been clearer for our audience as it was not always easy to hear.
  • The title used at the end of our clip could have been better if we had more time to use photoshop.
  • We could have used more elaborate credits if we had the time to use photoshop.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Children's film update

Finished sound for the video and imported it from garageband to the final project.
Edited the sound to fit appropriately to the video including change of volume and fading before dialogue.
Decided on a title name - Pitch of Dreams

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Childrens film credits

We worked on the credits for the opening of the children's film.
This included the title and each of our roles in the production.
We altered the colour and font.

Children's Film

Children's Film Definition - a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family film, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences. The film may or may not be about children.

Examples of children's films:

  • Oliver and Company
  • Shrek
  • Hunch back of Notre Dame

The most common themes used are friends, family, love, encouragement and adventure.

Codes and Conventions of a children's film:
  • A positive moral framework is always used
  • Alot of bright colours and text are used
  • Animation if used is exciting and fast paced
  • Music if used is also upbeat for entertainment
  • Main characters are introduced early
  • Setting established early

Children's Film

Children's Film Definition - a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family film, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences. The film may or may not be about children.

Examples of children's films:
  • A Bugs  Life
  • Lion King
  • Jungle Book
The most common themes used are friends, family, love, encouragement and adventure.

Codes and Conventions of a children's film:
  • A positive moral framework is always used
  • Alot of bright colours and text are used
  • Animation if used is exciting and fast paced
  • Music if used is also upbeat for entertainment
  • Main characters are introduced early
  • Setting established early

Children's Film

Children's Film Definition - a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family film, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences. The film may or may not be about children.

Examples of children's films:
  • The Incredibles
  • E.T
  • Despicable Me
The most common themes used are friends, family, love, encouragement and adventure.

Codes and Conventions of a children's film:
  • A positive moral framework is always used
  • Alot of bright colours and text are used
  • Animation if used is exciting and fast paced
  • Music if used is also upbeat for entertainment
  • Main characters are introduced early
  • Setting established early

Saturday 29 October 2011

Update of Progress

Before half term we completed:

  • Storyboarding
  • Planning of location, scripts and shots
  • Organise props
  • Decide what will go into the mise en scene
  • Filmed all footage to be used
  • Began post production
We now need to complete:

  • All post production:
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Any changes to final drafted scripts or shot lists to make sure everything is linear.

Children's films

Children's Film Definition - a film aimed for children as its audience. As opposed to a family film, no special effort is made to make the film attractive for other audiences. The film may or may not be about children.

Examples of children's films:
  • Toy Story
  • Space Jam
  • Jumanji
The most common themes used are friends, family, love, encouragement and adventure.

Codes and Conventions of a children's film:
  • A positive moral framework is always used
  • Alot of bright colours and text are used
  • Animation if used is exciting and fast paced
  • Music if used is also upbeat for entertainment
  • Main characters are introduced early
  • Setting established early

Friday 21 October 2011

Potential target audience

Our target audience is children aged 8+ (PG)
We chose this target audience because we thought it would allow us to produce a wider range of video material and go further into themes that wouldn't be appropriate for a film rated (U) also we wanted to make sure we have suitable/enjoyable content for the audicence and choosing this target audience gives lets us do this easier. These people would view this film as the content is relatable to them as they may have been through the same thing or because they will be able to aspire to characters in the film. Other media products our target audience would consume would be any video game, film, televised show or musical piece related to sport.

Friday 14 October 2011

Favourite children's film - convention

The opening sequence of Space Jam

  • Introduces the characters when playing basketball - main character as a child.
  • Introduces the setting outside the main character's house.
  • Has good upbeat music to keep the children amused whilst the credits are appearing.
  • There are lots of bright colours used in the credits to entertain children.
  • Themes - Family/Friends and Sport.
  • Montage during the credits which keeps children entertained. 

Thursday 13 October 2011

Storyboard for Children's Film/ Choice of Location

Storyboard for children's film

The location will only be on the college field by the football goals.

Shot/Prop List for children's film

Start with a close up - introducing the first character

Establishing shot  (PANNING) - Comes down from sky (ZOOM OUT), hear a football being kicked and ripple in to the net. As the camera comes to eye level (ZOOM IN) you can see the character controlling and shooting the ball into the net.

Over the shoulder - Camera moves behind the character as he dribbles the ball.

Close up - Characters foot and the ball as he dribbles the ball (TRACKING).

Long shot - As the over shoulder shot finishes, cut to long shot as the character continues to dribble the ball.

Over the shoulder - As son sees dad

Reverse shot - As dad sees son

Two shot/Mid-shot - Dialogue between two characters. (Include reactions shots)

Montage - Repeated shots into goal whilst there is dialogue

Reaction Shot - Dad after all the shots

Mid-Shot - Dads dialogue

Slow motion shot - Son running to take one more shot


Goal frame
Clothes to match the mis en scene.

Ideas for our Children's Film

Our idea is based around a young boy trying to achieve his dreams with the support of his family.
The opening scene will include a young boy practising football and his dad having an encouraging conversation with him about his future plans. - Live Action

Stop Animation - Using the same concept as the live action idea but this would mean there would be a lot fewer options for example camera movements and shots would be extremely limited.

Friday 7 October 2011

Our classification choice

We have chosen to create a PG film because we believe there are more genre options to choose from and it will make the video more interesting to watch for our target audience. This choice will appeal to a wider audience and give us a larger range of choices when we think about characters, themes and the storyline.

PG Film Ratings

  • Suitable for ages 8+ with parental consent
  • Discrimination allowed but only for educational purposes
  • Drugs can be discussed but not seen as long as there is an anti drugs message
  • Short horror but not intense 
  • Some mild bad language but not frequent
  • For example 'How To Train Your Dragon'

The film adresses issues such as discrimination against minorities and shows quite alot of violence which may show children that fighting is good but the ending resolves everything.


Universal Film Rating

U - Universal - Suitable for anyone over 5
- Positive moral framework
- Offer reassuring counterbalances to any threat
- Suitable for children to view alone
- No bad language
- No Sex/references
- No drugs or discrimination

A Bugs Life - Universal

  • The film has themes that address children easily which are comedy and friendship.
  • Any child over 5 could watch this and understand it the content.
  • No references to sex, drugs or discrimination are used so it is suitable for children over 5.
  • Counterbalances are used when any of the characters are in danger, for example when the main character is crossing the road in the busy city, young children may be worried that he will be hit, this scene ends with comedy and children learn a good moral lesson of crossing the road safely.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Children's Sci-Fi Film (Wall-E)

The writing used is very futuristic and gives the impression that it is set in the future, but the music used is quite an old style giving the impression everything may not be as advanced as first thought. The opening credits are set in space which implies that there maybe aliens involved in the film. The view of earth shows desertion and dilapidation.

Children's opening scene - Sci Fi - E.T

The scene starts in the setting of a forest at night which isn't a conventional setting for a children's film which makes viewers feel tension. Music adds to tension as it picks up pace throughout the opening scene and makes the scene feel erie. In the mis en scene a random rabbit is used which is an animal relatable to children and may make them feel comfortable. Also in the mis en scene there are various cars pull up quickly which creates suspense because viewers don't know why they are there. The viewers are interested by the main character as we only catch a glimpse of him and we don't see E.T's face which means the children will be interested to find out what happens as an alien is stereotypically something children are interested in. The use of a spaceship introduces the theme of aliens and science which again makes it unclear that this is a children's film. A lot of bright lights are used which keeps children interested eg. torches and bright colours coming from the alien.

Monsters Inc. Children's Fantasy Film Analysis

Monsters Inc starts with entertaining credits with upbeat music which keeps kids interested. The way the animation is used is to introduce the theme of monsters by using lots of colour. There is use of comedy during the opening scene which the children can relate to, as well as the use of a child that is also relatable to viewers. The monsters are humanised with clothes to make the children feel comfortable with them. The scene is set in a children's room and the mis en scene includes all different props eg. toys to make it realistic for the viewers. The characters are introduced firstly by name and the other character is portrayed as a leading figure because of the suit he is wearing which shows he is in charge41QZSJ63RBL._SL500_AA300_.jpg

Wednesday 5 October 2011

The Jungle Book Beginning
The film starts with the image of a book that looks like it could be a child's which is the first implication that it is for a younger audience. As the film goes on to the animation it begins with the village where the main character where the music is quite happy and cheerful giving the impression that it is a safe place. But as the jungle surrounding the village is shown the music because darker like there may be things that threaten the characters. Also the lighting in the jungle is darker.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Jumanji Micro Element - Sound

Dialogue - Accents include posh english and american, which reveal the time period
Foley sound - Used when the boy is punched and also when the bikes break
Ambient sound - Used in the forest and in the suburban city
Pace - Used to create tension during the chase of the boy
Diegetic sound - Soundtrack played during credits
Non - Diegetic sound - Lightning, wind and animals in the forest.

Favourite children's film - convention

The opening sequence of Space Jam

  • Introduces the characters when playing basketball - main character as a child.
  • Introduces the setting outside the main character's house.
  • Has good upbeat music to keep the children amused whilst the credits are appearing.
  • There are lots of bright colours used in the credits to entertain children.
  • Themes - Family/Friends and Sport.
  • Montage during the credits which keeps children entertained. 

Friday 30 September 2011

Preliminary task - Aaron's trip to the gym

We learnt how to apply the 180 degree rule effectively and looking carefully for continuity errors. Also we learnt how to use all the functions of the camera and the tripod to their full ability.
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