Thursday 13 October 2011

Shot/Prop List for children's film

Start with a close up - introducing the first character

Establishing shot  (PANNING) - Comes down from sky (ZOOM OUT), hear a football being kicked and ripple in to the net. As the camera comes to eye level (ZOOM IN) you can see the character controlling and shooting the ball into the net.

Over the shoulder - Camera moves behind the character as he dribbles the ball.

Close up - Characters foot and the ball as he dribbles the ball (TRACKING).

Long shot - As the over shoulder shot finishes, cut to long shot as the character continues to dribble the ball.

Over the shoulder - As son sees dad

Reverse shot - As dad sees son

Two shot/Mid-shot - Dialogue between two characters. (Include reactions shots)

Montage - Repeated shots into goal whilst there is dialogue

Reaction Shot - Dad after all the shots

Mid-Shot - Dads dialogue

Slow motion shot - Son running to take one more shot


Goal frame
Clothes to match the mis en scene.

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