Thursday 6 October 2011

Children's opening scene - Sci Fi - E.T

The scene starts in the setting of a forest at night which isn't a conventional setting for a children's film which makes viewers feel tension. Music adds to tension as it picks up pace throughout the opening scene and makes the scene feel erie. In the mis en scene a random rabbit is used which is an animal relatable to children and may make them feel comfortable. Also in the mis en scene there are various cars pull up quickly which creates suspense because viewers don't know why they are there. The viewers are interested by the main character as we only catch a glimpse of him and we don't see E.T's face which means the children will be interested to find out what happens as an alien is stereotypically something children are interested in. The use of a spaceship introduces the theme of aliens and science which again makes it unclear that this is a children's film. A lot of bright lights are used which keeps children interested eg. torches and bright colours coming from the alien.

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